10 Aralık 2017 Pazar

Strategy-Formulation Framework


   Learning Objectives
After understanding this topic you able to understand the basic phenomena of strategy formulation frame
work and also under stand the stages of strategy formulation frame work.

Objective placing an important role in strategic management Strategic analysis and choice largely involves
making subjective decisions based on objective information. This topic includes important concepts that
can help strategists generate feasible alternatives, evaluate those alternatives, and choose a specific course of
action. Behavioral aspects of strategy formulation are described, including politics, culture, ethics, and social
responsibility considerations. Modern tools for formulating strategies are described, and the appropriate role
of a board of directors is discussed

  A Comprehensive Strategy-Formulation Framework
Important strategy-formulation techniques can be integrated into a three-stage decision-making framework,
as shown below. The tools presented in this framework are applicable to all sizes and types of organizations
and can help strategists identify, evaluate, and select strategies.

Stage-1 (Formulation Framework)

1. External factor evaluation
2. Competitive matrix profile
3. Internal factor evaluation

Stage-2 (Matching stage)

1. TWOS Matrix (Threats-Opportunities-Weaknesses-Strengths)
2. SPACE Matrix (Strategic Position and Action Evaluation)
3. BCG Matrix (Boston Consulting Group)
4. IE Matrix (Internal and external)
5. GS Matrix (Grand Strategy)

Stage-3 (Decision stage)

1. QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix)

Stage 1 of the formulation framework consists of the EFE Matrix, the IFE Matrix, and the Competitive
Profile Matrix. Called the Input Stage, Stage 1 summarizes the basic input information needed to formulate

Stage 2, called the Matching Stage, focuses upon generating feasible alternative strategies by
aligning key external and internal factors. Stage 2 techniques include the Threats-Opportunities-
Weaknesses-Strengths (TOWS) Matrix, the Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) Matrix, the
Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix, the Internal-External (IE) Matrix, and the Grand Strategy Matrix.

Stage 3, called the Decision Stage, and involves a single technique, the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix
(QSPM). A QSPM uses input information from Stage 1 to objectively evaluate feasible alternative strategies
identified in Stage 2. A QSPM reveals the relative attractiveness of alternative strategies and, thus, provides
an objective basis for selecting specific strategies.

All nine techniques included in the strategy-formulation framework require integration of intuition and analysis.
Autonomous divisions in an organization commonly use strategy-formulation techniques to develop
strategies and objectives. Divisional analyses provide a basis for identifying, evaluating, and selecting among
alternative corporate-level strategies.
Strategists themselves, not analytic tools, are always responsible and accountable for strategic decisions.
Lenz emphasized that the shift from a words-oriented to a numbers-oriented planning process can give rise
to a false sense of certainty; it can reduce dialogue, discussion, and argument as a means to explore
understandings, test assumptions and foster organizational learning. Strategists, therefore, must be wary of
this possibility and use analytical tools to facilitate, rather than diminish, communication. Without objective
information and analysis, personal biases, politics, emotions, personalities, and halo error (the tendency to put
too much weight on a single factor) unfortunately may play a dominant role in the strategy-formulation

3 Aralık 2017 Pazar

Types Of Vertical Integration Strategy

Vertical integration strategy is a way through which companies try to hold their upstream suppliers and downstream buyers. There are three types of vertical integration and vertical Integration strategies are the combination of those strategies that are applied in the organization to acquire control over suppliers, competitors & distributors. Following are the three main types of vertical integration strategy, which are also collectively known as vertical integration strategies.
  1. Forward Integration Strategy
  2. Backward Integration Strategy
  3. Horizontal Integration Strategy 

   Vertical Integration Strategies are very useful for the organization. Following points show the benefits associated with the vertical integration strategies.

    1. The organization acquires the control over its competitors by the application of vertical integration strategies
    2.The organization takes control of the activities of its suppliers through implementation of vertical integration strategies
    3.The organization gets control of functioning of its distributors with the implementation of vertical integration strategies

Types of Vertical Integration Strategy

    Forward Integration Strategy

  This is first type of the vertical integration strategy. In this vertical integration strategy the transactions between the organization & its customers are included. The organizations sells its products to intermediaries like distributors, retailers etc because it is not possible for it to sell its products directly to the final customers. When organization gets much control over or even ownership of its retailers or distributors then it applies forward integration strategy. The control can be gained over the distributor, supplier & competitor.

   Backward Integration Strategy

  Backward integration strategy is the second utmost important type of vertical integration strategy. When the organization needs to acquire the control over the functioning of its suppliers, backward integration strategy is considered by the organization. Suppliers provide required input materials to both distributors & retailers. The distributors & retailers adopt this vertical integration strategy in order to get control of the operation & functioning of their suppliers. The application of backward integration strategy is quite useful when the suppliers are not reliable enough to provide required material on consistent basis. Also when the suppliers charge too much amount for their services & cannot properly fulfill the needs of the organization, then this vertical integration strategy is the only option for the organization to get control over the functioning of its suppliers & eliminate all the problems that come in the way of smooth running of the business.

   Horizontal Integration Strategy

  The third and last type of vertical integration strategy is horizontal integration strategy. Acquiring control over the operations & functioning of the competitors of the organizations is referred to horizontal integration strategy. In recent years, horizontal integration strategy is frequently used as growth strategy by the organization in their strategic management. Through increasing number of acquisitions, mergers & takeovers the organization not only increases its resources but also obtains large economies of scale. The effectiveness of the organization is also enhanced through horizontal integration strategy.
In horizontal integration there is increased control over the functioning & operations of the competing organizations through purchasing & hostile takeover. This provides new opportunities to organization to be availed. The organization gets control over the other organization that works in the same industry.

REFERANCES: http://www.businessstudynotes.com/finance/strategic-managment/types-vertical-integration-strategy/

Strategy-Formulation Framework

      STRATEGY-FORMULATION FRAMEWORK    Learning Objectives After understanding this topic you able to understand the b...